We are

Renewable Energy & Sustainability

Somalia and the world at large are facing an energy and water crisis. The dependency on non-renewable energy sources and the lack of access to cleanwater is leaving long-lasting damage, particularly on the Somali people and on a global and universal scale.

Renewable Energy

We believes in sustainable energy that meets global safety

IFIS Corporation believes in sustainable energy that meets global safety nets for a well-developed planet, with a healthy environment for it's nature and occupants. Energy poverty is growing by the minute and life-saving services and industries that depend on continuous and efficient energy sources are hurt in the process.

&Water Promotion


Businesses, small and large factories can do their processes without hindrance or worry. Our energy initiative plays an important role in our practice areas

Accesible Water

Access to clean and safe water is a human basic need and not limited to the privileged. Somali has the resources of water but lacks the resourcefulness


IFIS’s mission in the energy sector is to impact the lives of Somali people holistically and comprehensively by providing a clean, low-cost, and accessible


IFIS’s mission is to promote access to water, support local companies with our financial and non-financial services through our consultancy branch and bring international linkages for investment,